Experience Freedom Again


    So You Can Start Feeling Better Sooner

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    "I believe that treating pain is most effective when compassion meets expertise."

    ~Hatem Zayed, M.D.


    Our Comprehensive Range of Pain Management Solutions


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    Arthritis is inflammation of a joint, eventually it can lead to it's destruction, It could be painful and debilitating.

    Treatment includes rest especially during a flare up , Anti inflammatory medications, Physical therapy & certain procedures like Stem cells and PRP, eventually if neglected it will lead to surgery and joint replacement. 

    Dr. Zayed

    Sciatica is pain along the sciatic nerve. It usually results from compression of lumbar nerve roots in the lower back. Common causes include intervertebral disk herniation, osteophytes, and narrowing of the spinal canal (spinal stenosis). Symptoms include pain radiating from the buttocks down the leg. Diagnosis sometimes involves MRI or CT. Electromyography and nerve conduction studies can identify the affected level. Treatment includes symptomatic measures and sometimes surgery, particularly if there is a neurologic deficit.


    Sciatica is pain along the sciatic nerve. It usually results from compression of lumbar nerve roots in the lower back. Common causes include intervertebral disk herniation, osteophytes, and narrowing of the spinal canal (spinal stenosis). Symptoms include pain radiating from the buttocks down the leg. Diagnosis sometimes involves MRI or CT. Electromyography and nerve conduction studies can identify the affected level. Treatment includes symptomatic measures and sometimes surgery, particularly if there is a neurologic deficit.

    The Merck Manual

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    Neck pain and back pain are among the most common reasons for physician visits.

    Yet There is a lot of reason for the pain, Disc herniation, Foraminal stenosis, Myofascial, Nerve pain, arthritis among others.


    Symptoms of common radiculopathies correlate with specific spinal cord levels.

    While there are multiple reasons for Neck and Back pain, it is very important to find the exact cause since a lot of times they overlap.

    The Merck Manual & Dr. Zayed

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    Discs are made of gelatinous & Fibrous materials that lie in the middle between the vertebral bodies (back bones).

    When a Disc herniates, pain starts and it radiates to the one or both legs and depending on the level of the herniation, the pain stops at the level of the leg that corresponds to the level of the herniation. 



    Facets are two small joints located at each side of each level of a vertebral body, they are at times a major source of back pain as well.


    Treatment for both conditions include,

    1. Physical therapy as tolerated

    2. Anti inflammatory

    3. Steroid injections and 4. Nerve Ablation

    Dr. Zayed

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    Migraine Headache

    is an episodic primary headache disorder. Symptoms typically last 4 to 72 hours and may be severe. Pain is often unilateral, throbbing, worse with exertion, and accompanied by symptoms such as nausea and sensitivity to light, sound, or odors. Auras occur in about 25% of patients, usually just before but sometimes after the headache. Diagnosis is clinical. Treatment is with triptans, dihydroergotamine, antiemetics, and analgesics.​

    Dr. Zayed' New Treatment modalities include Botox as well as Intravenous


    Infusions of a cocktail of Medications and supplements that Dr. Zayed prepares


    The Merck manual

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    Tendinitis is an inflammation of a tendon,

    Tendons are made of fibrous collagen material that connect muscles to bones.

    they can get inflamed or even get torn.

    Treatment is usually rest

    and guided Physical activity/therapy as tolerated

    Steroid OR Natural Anti inflammatory injections if indicated would speed recovery and allow physical therapy to be tolerated.


    Trigger points

    Are areas of the muscle that is hyper irritable, it could be locally tender or cause pain somewhere else (radiating pain), they basically form when the muscle cannot relax

    The cause is usually due to overuse, stress or trauma. 


    1. Rest, stretching

    2. Mild analgesics

    3. If persist, Ultrasound guided Injections of local anesthetics to break the cycle of pain & provide relief

    Dr. Zayed


    You'll Feel Better Very Soon

    7100 SW 9th Ave
    Amarillo, TX 79106
    9am to 430pm
    Monday to Friday
    (806) 450-7769